And so in every bowling game, it is rarely the score that pisses me off. It is when I get a split. Because I know it is not possible (for me at least) to get a spare and up my score at that frame, and in a split, you have to decide which side you want to hit. I often end up throwing my bowling ball towards the center.
*Cue. GOALLL!!!
It comes with luck. If I aim diaganally to the pin on my right, with good estimates, control and a fitting ball, I can. But with a slight miscalculation of energy/power, I will hit the irritating gutter and my life will be a big hot onion soup pot of doom.
So to avoid all that, I often more confident to aim straight to the pin at my left. I'm left handed so it's much easier. Rarely I can knock both down (Till this day, I don't remember doing so) but from bowling tournaments I've seen on TV, I know it's possible. I googled it too. So it HAS to be possible. But it requires big amount of energy and thrust which I don't have. People who have arm wrestled with me will know.
With my capacities, I'll be happy if i just knock down one of the two. I often don't. LOL.
I suck in bowling competitions. I can't bowl under stress. I can't do anything right under stress.
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