Thursday, October 15, 2009

I want to do this. Over and over and over again.

A couple of kids rolling down the hill over the lake. =)


It might be a little late to blog about my return to Gippsland during the semester break. But I've got to, pictures just got posted out yesterday. =) I attended Jem's graduation. Oddly, there were alot of Kids there. Lol. Some crying halfway through the ceremony. Then others yelling on purpose just to see a panic stricken look on their parent's face. It's quite funny to see.

I used to get kicks for making my parents panic (I still do it now and then sometimes - "You're gonna be a grandma!", "I ran out of money can send me some??"), so i know where they come from. For them, it lasts forever because the best part is, they don't get spanked. But for me, I deal with a set of stereotypical Asian parents who:

1. Will not hesitate to spank/scold/yell at me if I did something grave.
2. Who expects me to find a nice chinese boy, and not a blond watery eyed heartthrob.
3. Always asks me to budget. Which I do try, but still blow it anyway. :(

But I guess parents all have one thing in common. They have this second layer which only we as kids can see. =)


The world's coolest uncle in history.

The world's biggest nature+people lover Photographer. HEHEHEE.

The most bipolar girl in the world.

Ok. Now not so bipolar.
Bipolar again! woohoo! (nahh it's just picture arrangements)

Indebted to their goodwill. Jem and his parents who let me hitch a ride back to the city (and around Gippsland, back from verve, to dinner omgzomg) on their way back to the airport.

CHEESEEE (ok this shouldn't be here but hell) at Wild dogs winery, Warragul. Triple cream cheese.


In my head I've always had this perception of people that if I gone back, things will be better, I'll get along better and really enjoy myself during my rather 'unlucky' second semester. I know now, it's not necessarily the case.

After returning from the country side, I know that for every Vline train that passes Armadale and Caulfield, that urge for me to hop on hasn't gone away. It is not the place that I miss but the word 'Gippsland' is a referent to the company I gained and loved over there which resounds every time I am reminded of grassy plains along the mountains and low grounds.

Towering buildings arching over every corner can be daunting. I remember standing in the junction of Swantston and La Trobe looking up at Melbourne Central and the state library during my little CBD hide-and-seek thinking to myself "Where in the world are they? Who do I look for help? I have friends staying in QV and Verve. Why don't I buzz their unit? They can help me call them. But what are their unit numbers? Been there ten thousand times, how could I not remember."

The irony here is that, can one feel lonelier in such a crowded space and feel so entertained in a land where there are more cows than people? =)

Time I've spent in the City hasn't been all downs either. I've never been to the movies alone. I don't study alone. Then we call for pizza and binge in the midst of the stress. Have ice cream in the cold. Picked up Guitar Hero. Went for prom ON A BOAT! Times when I'm ever alone in the city is often by choice or either because I got lost or somebody overslept. LOL.

And now that my stay is nearing an end, it's high-time I try to push my thoughts away from my 172 dollar fine, things that changed, looming clouds of separation from people I just got to know, and my overzealous, uber-talkative JRN classmates. Those are merely, silver-linings to my cloud. There's more to it than what I believe. I came here planning to experience the two sides of Australia. So now I have. =)

To the people that I've met in Gippsland and Melbourne and also people who have stuck through my ordeal, I really can't say this enough. Thank you. You have my love for eternity.