Monday, October 12, 2009

Kumar bites back.

DAMN YOU PR! Pull down my average T.T I knew this day will come. Karma for not paying attention in his class. BOOOOOO. What did I do a day before my PR exam? I can't seem to remember but pretty sure it's along the lines of fooling around T_________T



Had a large sundae at Mackers yesterday. NOOOOOOOOOO~


My second online purchase came at noon~! YAY! Lucky I skipped my screening. HEHEHEHE saves me a trip to the post office.

The parcel guy buzzed while I was cooking noodles. I zipped down to retrieve it. To my disappointment, there's a problem with their sizing. :(

OK. That's going to be the last of it. Tahan. No more shopping, offline or online, until the exams are over. None. Zero. Zilch.