Thursday, July 23, 2009


My COM3055 tutor is absolutely Gossip Girl material. Who could imagine getting a chance to sit in a class with a dishy young brunette, tall and lanky body, broad shoulders, tousled hair, as I swoon with his wonderful choice of words every thursday, also the last day of class of the week. I am liking this semester.


*watches Alex roll eyes*

Sorry. I got carried away. I should really stop objectifying men.

I will be learning the philosophy surrounding Creativity. As I was saying, I know this is going to be one of those that I will enjoy apart from FTV. Second MEdia age and Online Journalism... that I might struggle abit. Gulps.

Went to the city for Indian food today. Yum. This is by far one of the yummyiest I've had. And so the others joined us late, and Alex, Bryan and I decided to play with the Transformers action figure Karina gave him to kill time. And so. Here it is.

Transformers Sonata.

Starring Optimus Prime and Bumblebee.

Coming Soon!