Sunday, July 26, 2009


It was at the screening a year ago at HELP University College, I saw a whole lot of videos similar to the one above, of which I found myself sniffling my way through a line of people scrambling out from the theater into the toilet to sob solitarily. (I remember this was the one that tugged a chord). Of which when I return, I see two of my best buds snickering at me.

Originally in Advertising, in the speech she said she considers herself a storyteller not much of a film maker (Even though it does bring better prospects). It was after the screening where we got to talk to her in person. Of which I ended up speaking gibberish because of nerves. She appeared to be a happy, witty person always with something clever to say.

I remember 3 of us in the car. Through a highway I wasn't familiar with. But we still somehow found our way there enduring an hour of feeling lost. Which ended with a chance to meet one of the greatest Malaysian storytellers in real life.

The way home was equally puzzling. Her departure was too.