Monday, April 20, 2009

A horny cow on TV

I am done with my proposal. I have one more urgent assignment due 5 hours ago and yet, I feel no urgency sitting here with a sudden moment of epiphany looking into the future 10 years from now.

ZM might just get lucky and get together with the buff kuai lou she always wanted, MY will be in a random country taking pictures of her random shadow (haha), A,B will start balding, S and K will be married with heaps of kids, and Sonia's sister's baby, Sarah (who was born today *omgsquish*) is will be 10.

I walk down Burke Street looking for something to buy and I have a feeling it's going to be shoes. I come over for a game at the Bowling Bar at QV with friends I know from work. I down some VB and start having trouble aiming straight. I take a few steps back to check the score board, chuckling feeling amused with my score. Feeling pleasantly inebriated by now, I go back to my seat. Somebody hands me another VB which I reject.

A friend will then ask me, "Did you see the horny cow on TV yesterday?"

"No, did you?"

She giggles for a while.

The phone rings and I answer.


"What time will you be back?"

"Around ten?"

"It's already 9.30."

"Did you see a horny cow on TV yesterday?"

"Noi, did you?"

What I end up doing is always a matter of conscience. In ten years time maybe I'll know how to stop.

Ok back to work.