Monday, May 04, 2009


Bowling is my favourite sport of all time and even though I don't completely rock it, it gives me something to be excited about. I'm not sure which part of the sport (the throwing, the pins or the colourful balls- Maybe the balls...) that arouse my interest. It could've been the Daiman Bowl sessions with Jason and Alvin. Bowling just became a habit.

And so in every bowling game, it is rarely the score that pisses me off. It is when I get a split. Because I know it is not possible (for me at least) to get a spare and up my score at that frame, and in a split, you have to decide which side you want to hit. I often end up throwing my bowling ball towards the center.

*Cue. GOALLL!!!

It comes with luck. If I aim diaganally to the pin on my right, with good estimates, control and a fitting ball, I can. But with a slight miscalculation of energy/power, I will hit the irritating gutter and my life will be a big hot onion soup pot of doom. Stock markets will crash and hilirity will ensue, and the swine flu pendemic will end all human race. el oh el.

So to avoid all that, I often more confident to aim straight to the pin at my left. I'm left handed so it's much easier. Rarely I can knock both down (Till this day, I don't remember doing so) but from bowling tournaments I've seen on TV, I know it's possible. I googled it too. So it HAS to be possible. But it requires big amount of energy and thrust which I don't have. People who have arm wrestled with me will know.

With my capacities, I'll be happy if i just knock down one of the two. I often don't. LOL.

I suck in bowling competitions. I can't bowl under stress. I can't do anything right under stress.