Thursday, June 26, 2008


What people say amuse me. I wonder if what I say does the same to people too.

I delve on fragments too often. I always forget to look at the big picture. :(

Made of Honour (2008)

"I gotta toss a tree?!" ROFL.

It's one of those movies that keep you fuzzy inside. HAHA. It's funny lar. LOL. And the Male Lead is hot. HAHA. I won't spoil it but they had Chemistry. Hehe. Awesome romance comedy movie. I totally digg this kind. HAHA. Never knew piecing up a wedding could be this hard. :P LOL.


The Incredible Hulk (2008)

PAVILLION HAS GOOD CINEMAS! I AM A CGI BUFF. LOL. GOOD CGI = GOOD MOVIE. But tergantung plot, I don't like. I never like to watch movies in parts. Gotta wait for the next installment. >__< anger =" Bad.">Eternal Sunshine of a Spotless Mind. (2004)

As one of their taglin goes, "You can erase someone from your mind. Getting them out of your heart is another story."

Jim Carey's walking out of his comedic stereotype and takes up a role that show us the complexities of the human mind. Joey is a social inept and yet He was perfect for the role. Life is actually as 'colourful' as Kate Winslet's hair colour in the movie haha. That scene Kirsten Dunst's sudden transformation from a young playful girl to a matured living woman with emotions totally got me T.T. I know it's nothing to cry about but it's sad and I have a thing for Sad/bittersweet Movies and anything else that will activate my tear gland.

This movie has a non-linear narrative and i'm not good with movies like that. If you get lost halfway through the movie, it actually feels how you lose track of your emotions in real life. The you slowly pick up the pieces... Erh... Psychoanalysis? (Hears Andrew's evil cackle in the background). But there's always IMDB for help. :P

Meaningful movie. Take time to dl it. If you're a Jim Carrey fan, you should see the other side of him. It'll only make you love him more. :)


GAAH! I'm back! *jumps on bed*