Monday, May 03, 2010


Despite being slightly inebriated at Sid's today. I remember I was told.

"You people have the obligation to stay in Malaysia."

I said, I will if you become Prime Minister.

What's gonna happen after Honours? Feels like third year again.


Aunty Jin said...

hmmm, chien aun has similar aspiration...

anyways... hey babe, how's it going?

Sze Jia said...

HAHahahah!! PM Aun~ *salutes* You going to be his vice right? Hahahaha.

Eyy yiiijunniieee~~! Howze you?! :) Still in clayton? Miss you man. *emo* Hahahah.

Doing honours. I'm still alive. But hooked onto life support. @#$% :O