Sunday, July 18, 2010


Semester one is down, semester two is staring at my face. I'm currently sitting down chilling with my parents in a hotel room they are spending the night in. I think since Karina's arrival at KL and Chiang Mai, this has been the only time I got to sit down to rest and stone. Been busy busy busy, rushing, hanging out, juggling work. It's all good times I want to remember.

Of course, I won't get to do this for long, because there are things to do. Uni starts tomorrow at 9am. Workload is doubling in front of my eyes. Commitments as well.

But I know these are things I WANT to commit myself to. Whether it's Honours or the possibility of messing up as a tutor, or that special someone I hope I won't neglect. These commitments are choices I made, as well as promises. I'd do my best to finish what has begun.

Perhaps I've been too accustomed what we had in Chiang Mai. I was unsure of what to expect at first, could it be a summer fling? or would feelings change once the Chiang Mai heat stops messing with our judgments? Though In search of Chiangmai may be over, but I'm glad to know that some things don't really end even when it's over. Among the other things I found in Chiang Mai, I'm glad I found you. I still don't know how it happened but I've never been happier.


I'm finally Home. You know what I mean.

Cheers to Cheesiness!