Saturday, July 03, 2010

I've seen.

Theee claawwww - My best purchase from Singapore.

People around me fall in and out of relationships. Those who don't, remain in a rocky one or hold on to hope to be part of a relationship that never really became. I used to wonder why don't they see themselves deserving someone better? I used to think people are to just jump into a relationship for all the wrong reasons were silly for doing so. But even so, who is to say the reason is right or wrong?

I now know you cannot rationalize it this way. Feelings can be there. It's only worrisome that sometimes they don't last long enough. When they don't, things fall apart and slowly (but surely) people learn, rebuild their lives, stand up on their feet again until the next one comes by and the cycle of uncertainty continues.

Most people are strong enough to live through this learning cycle.

I still can't picture myself going through something like this, but maybe in time I will.

I feel young today.


Cyren Asteraceya said...

We human beings are a very resillient race, we fall and fall and fall when we try to leap to great heights but as long as we don't completely annihilate ourselves, you can be sure we will leap again.


Speaking from a personal perspective, when it comes to relationships, you can never tell. Its pointless to overthink because you may find that things end up taking you by surprise anyway. Just go with what you feel inside, and you'll be fine :)

Question is, do you dare to take the leap?