Thursday, November 04, 2010

So what did you indulge in today?

Everyone has an unhealthy indulgence. While some find comfort in Chocolate, Chips, Ice Cream, and alcohol, others indulge in watching watching scale needles tip, that big bulge, that big pimple, that flat chest, that scar, those we need to cover what then do we expose?, compulsions to stare at the naked body, overkill, skyrocketing points, collapsed opponents, love, hate, loving a person who will never love us back, morbidity, work, perfection, guilt, failure, the past, hurt... no matter what people say, we indulge. We damage ourselves in some way. We don't stop. We like to do it because, no matter how unhealthy it is, we get a feeling of going against something that is already set out for us. It's satisfying. And to negate its existence, would mean a loss of compulsion to do SOMETHING, something you do best in the un-best. We lose that emotional catharsis. We lose the satisfaction. To neglect 'something' that we essentially should not. It's how we are. It reminds us we are human. It reminds us the very core of how human we are and how fucking uncontrollable these urges are but yet, we get the illusion that we are in control because we CAN refuse to control ourselves. We CAN allow ourselves to lose control. It's the only thing within our controls anyway.

So what did you indulge in today?