Sunday, December 05, 2010

I'm starting to get excited.


In no particular order, my thanks go out to:

Dr. Yeoh Seng Guan, for his efforts and commitment as my Honours supervisor. Thanks for lending me books and other materials (including the left-side of your brain for constructive feedback and the right to produce ‘Yeoh-isms’ to keep me afloat) that were needed throughout the process of writing this dissertation.

My interviewees: Alexa, Natasha, Emily, Yaya and Monalisa for giving me valuable insights and participating in this project.

Other staff and students at Building 2, level 6, for company and support throughout the Honours year. Dr. Sharon A. Bong, Dr. Helen Nesadurai and the late Benjamin McKay (like your departure, your arrival at SASS has also touched us in many ways): your kindness will not be forgotten.

My family: for providing an unlimited supply of love and support. Mummy and Papa, the two of you were never felt far even despite residing 3 states away. To Sze Wei and A-Ma, who I have not spent enough time with but yet have me in mind, I will make it up to you soon.

Nadiah and Paulista: for educating me through nerdy theoretical debates and curry puffs I thoroughly enjoyed.

Weiyan: for being an awesome wingman despite your own uber tight schedule.

Karina: the who got me interested in fashion in the first place. Thanks for showing me the wonders that fabric and a loyal friend could make.

Sonia: who pulls off the sexy ‘little black dress’ look nicely but is even more awesome in an apron. Danke schon for the home cooked meals and brilliant company!

Sharveen: a fellow research student I empathize with, good luck for your dissertation, buddy.

Jason: for your extremely mindless but effective de-stressing humour.

Alex: thank you for Adam Lambert concert tickets and sushi and his ‘other-half’ Weiliang, the one who believes everything is either a good thing or a bad thing, for being a good thing.

To everybody who was there through during the process, thanks and spanks. This is for you.


I don't have to read another academic book anymore. :D

Happy Birthday Alex YEOoOo. :D With love!