Thursday, December 23, 2010


I didn't make any resolutions for last year but every year is more of the same. Any form of self-improvement is an achievement.

So yessirree! For 2011, I shall be specific. :)

1. Do not procrestinate - This has been on my resolutions list like 4 years in a row! Insane.

2. Do not overspend after getting a proper paying job. - I told myself that my tutoring Money will go to my Send-Sze-To-Melbourne fund. But of course, like mum and dad predicted, it didn't. *guilty face*

3. For 2011, do some budgeting and financing as well. During honours, I spent most of food. In line with this is 4.

4. Watch diet. Create a Chicken Quota (5 servings a week), Beef Quota (1 serving a week), McDonald's quota (Once a month, but would be even better if none at all) and at least one day of the week to be dedicated to veggies! Do not order sweet drinks when eating out. For health! *gungho*

5. Exercise. I've been doing 150 ca for a while, increase to 200 by January, 250 by February and 300 ca by March onwards. :D YEAHHH. Invest in a bike. For health! *gungho*

6. Will be moving to a new place, and will be having a homie therefore it has to be neat. And for it to be neat, I have to be neat and not leave things lying around like how I do. My Kayu Ara room's a mess. :S

7. Get a dog. Fingers crossed, I hope my new place allows for it.

8. To not be a door mat. But also be more appreciative of people around me. And be more confident. Accept it as difference not inferiority.

9. To learn from past mistakes and not repeat them.

10. Spend more time with the family. I can sense they would rather want me to work in Singapore because I can commute to work and back home and the fat pay cheque. I'd do that maybe in the future, about 4 years from now? For now, I'll just cook for the family once in a while. And continue watching Channel 8 drama's with them. At least to understand who in the world is Xie Ming Ming.

11. Be happy.

And that's that.

My family doesn't really celebrate Christmas, but we definitely appreciate the day off! =)

Everyone's all geared up for Christmas. So must we. Merry Xmas.