Friday, May 09, 2008

Insanity streak.

I must be insane.

When I get 2 pets in the future, i'm going to call one Mark and the other Spencer.

I have about 3000 words more to go by Monday. I hope I can finish. >_< Instead of completeing that 3000 words, I ended up spending my time at Campus and Pyramid. I hate how I don't have any sense of priority. :(

But then again, Uni have a very odd habit of clumping important dates up together. One week I can facebook every hour and then the next week I'll be churning out 4500 words and reading 8 chapters for a class test.

Of course it beats better than the sciences when their work load is constant. o.O I dunno how they do it.

I think it's home-made meth.