Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Bummer. :(

It's only day 2 of the second semester and I feel like starting a nothing-is-going-right thread at Soompi.

(Massive spam Alert)

In the morning, I struggled to stay awake in COM1020. It's Jega. And it's 9.00am. The bad part is, our lecture theater chairs are sleep-proof. meaning if you try to sleep on the table, it would slide and you'd fall. Yet again, it's anti-lefties. Don't think they'll invent anything to accomodate lefties anytime soon. :(

The when class was finally over we headed to the finance department to pay our fees. Well, I'm not putting names here coz I really dunno his name. I asked one of the ex-FTV dudes from my tute last sem if he was taking FTV again this sem. All I got was a blank look and a series of blank stares and sheepish laughs. He probably doesn't remember me. Frack >_<>_< How I wished the earth would just swallow me up there and then.

To make things even worse, (this was the bomb) I discovered my dad wrote the date wrongly on the cheque. The final day of payment is on the 20th, my dad accidentally wrote 24th and I would need to pay a RM100 fine for late payment. I lined up at the counter 3 times to sort things out. But I was never good at sorting matters like this anyway. It was partly my fault. I didn't check it when my dad passed the cheque to me. :(

Then this leads to my scratched bumper. No seriously, it's very stupid how it happened. You wouldn't want to know.

Then I went off for lunch at SS15 and came back purging my lunch out. Sigh. Felt sick the entire day. Felt sick after dinner.

I was spacing out for the rest of the day.

Attended the first FTV tute today and Mr. McKay gave us an overview of what we'd be learning throughout the sem. I have to say, I am very worried for FTV. Television Studies is super-duper-omg-tough. Considering the fact we won't touch much of Asian television, so PCK and Korean drama's are totally out of the question. I'm required to watch buffy, sopranos, and all. We'd be touching alot on critical political economy aspects and feminism and all. CPE?! GOD HELP ME.

Okay. Wat's good is, south park happen to be one of our core texts for the subjects. YES! :D

I slept abit and woke up at 9pm feeling wide awake. It's 12.57 now and I'm STILL awake.

At least it's a new day.

At least...

I think I like sem 1 better. I miss Dr. Yeoh and Dr. Helen already. :(


I don't care what Hwanhee did to his nose, Fly to the Sky's album is super!

I still think Hwanhee looks better with his old nose. :(