Friday, March 05, 2010


Dogs are funny.

They lick their nose and they even lick their butt.

They lick their bodies and can't stop if they start.

Puppies are cute when they don't bite.

But once they become dogs,

they learn to fight.

bite shoes.

So they're often kept away.

Dogs can find another chew toy anyway. ;)

Some dogs are living in packs

and some dogs live on their own.

Some dogs live in a nice cozy home.

But some feel locked up in a cage

With no master to hold.

While some are set free, abandoned and thrown.

There are happy dogs,

and dogs that don't feel.

Lucky ones and those who will never know if their emptiness will be filled.

Good for those that are spoilt by a good master.

Good for those with food, family and a home.

Praise those in the wild who survive another day on their own.

The rule of nature was never complicated.

To live is to have the will to live.

and even more will to not let your life be wasted.

Its simple.

Dogs are so funny.

Dogs are what we need to think about

When we are sad and whiny. =) - Sze.

Honours year making me feel very literary. But this is so third grade. =.= Never mind. Not shy about my third grade brain.

To focus list:

Finish presentation by today.
Start bibliography tomorrow.
Critical review finish by Sunday before Family comes.

To do list.

Bring family to Kayu on Monday.
Shop for graduation outfit soon.

To buy list.

Cotton Bud.