Tuesday, March 18, 2008

I Kena tag!


http://www.amberandjade.com/ <3<3<3


5 Things found in my bag:
1. Wallet
2. Phone
3. Car keys
4. Housekeys.
5. A pack of silica gel I got lazy to chuck. (Which reminds me I should chuck it after posting this up.)

5 Things in my wallet:
1. Moolah.
2. Monash ID (x2)
3. MyKad
4. Driving licence.
5. old shopping lists. (this will be gone after I hit the publish post button.)

5 favourite things in my room:
1. Pillows
2. Doodoll
3. Bolster
4. Blanket
5. Bedsheet

5 things I always wanted to do:
1. Eat a whole pack 旺旺 (wang x2) biscuits in one go.
2. Eat christmas pack of Skittles in one go. (and not get diabetes)
3. Drive a monster truck along the LDP.
4. Rock climb at a real cliff and fall into the water.
5. Experience life in a different country!

5 things I'm currently into:
1. Boybands
2. Wong Fu production
4. Swim wear
5. Flip Flops

List out the top 4 presents you wish for:
1. Spencer!!! =D
2. Mini spencer!
3. Flip flopps?
4. Hard to find CD's!

The person who tagged you is: Clair

Your 5 impressions of him/her:
1. Friendly
2. funny
3. like bsb
4. like heechul
5. Very rajin do tags! XD

Most memorable thing she has done to you:
Help Me Buy Tickets To See NICK CARTERR... and the rest. XD

If he/she becomes your lover, you will still:
Go See Nick Carterr! XD

If she becomes your enemy, the reason will be:
She stole Nick Carter. Haha!

Pass the quiz to 5 people:
1. Kari
2. Alex
3. Jason K.
4. Lyn H.
5. Xin Nee