Thursday, February 01, 2007

There's something new on my Hatelist.

It stands just right below unpleasant Fobby-ish Shell cashiers and above slow internet connection. It's F-sized apparel shops.

*thunder claps*

God. I feel like my head is going to explode. But okay, it's not going to stop me from ranting because I've got too much negative vibes around me. Confuscious say, "Rant to get rid of your negative vibes. Because you're not going to succeed by keeping quiet". I don't know religions well, but I know this philosophy is proven to work.

It has already been a full week since the blouse incident and I just can't get over it. I don't know why people design clothes like these for maniquins/sticks/anaeroxic children. Would you earn any money from people who don't even have enough cash to buy food?!

If you expect me to eat oats/uncle toby's like whipped cream and butter, I'm sorry. I can't do it. I don't have a body like Lin Zhiling, but i swear, that blouse wouldn't have fitted Ling Zhiling even if she DIDN'T have boobs! Okay. maybe I'm exaggerating a bit. Bottom line: It fitted the Maniquin and it will fit ONLY the Maniquin.

You see! This is one of the reasons why I couldn't shop when I was in upper-secondary. (Well, not completely. I didn't have the budget anyways.) I love being Asian. But sometimes, I just wish I'm in some where in the west where they have sizes up to 16.

You wanna know what F-sized is? YOU REALLY WANNA KNOW? Don't make me say it coz it's a really bad word and it rhymes with duck and buck. Well, here's a clue. 1 quarter fish, 3 quarter duck. You do the math.

I would've shoved the maniquin up that salesgirl's ass if she had one but I swear, I'm going to pick up kickboxing/hapkido/Yoodo or something and if she DARE deny me entrance into the changing room again, I'll kick her so far, she'll wish she had never been born >.< I know she's eating rojak for lunch. SHE'S NOT EVEN FAT!

GEEEZZZ! It pressurizes people to watch them like this. They are the main reason why people are having eating disorders these days. They ought to be banned from the face of the earth! My bushuangness-o-meter is sky rocketing like never before because I've never been so peeved to actually blog about my weight. GAAAAHHHH!!!!



*shrugs* I'm signing up in

Irrelavent: Gah. Damn low on Jaring credit. T__T