Friday, February 16, 2007

News flash: Jung Dabin didn't kill herself. It's speculated now that she's murdered.


During the Attic Cat days...


I am back. I am sick with a flu. I have a leaky tap for a nose, puffy eyes, crappy fashion sense and a sleepy face for first impressions. ^^,

Currently, I have many thoughts running through my head. Everything is so surreal. I've seen Assc. Prof. Han Gil Soo (Head of the Arts) on the papers before and I'm glad I got to meet him in person. When I saw him, I started thinking, He looks like Park Young Gyu. (an 80's korean actor) ^^, I met my other lecturers on the third day of Orientation and whoa... they're on heck of a cool bunch! ^^,

Monash is great. I felt out of place at first, but slowly it got better. It's a whole new experience now in Uni. Lessons haven't started yet, but I've already learnt quite a lot... ^^, (One of it is, housework is not easy.)

Aja aja! I'LL LIVE!!!!!

Happy Belated V. Day everyone!