Friday, November 02, 2007


Whoa. First Year is over.



The sem always ends with sleep deprivation. Hahah. My COM and INT paper nearly killed me. I was supposed to wake up at 7 today to work on INT but I overslept. Then the night before Com, I kinda realized how much I've neglected MUSO. When I wanted to save the notes (the best for last minute study), MUSO UNDER MAINTANENCE. !@#$$@$%!

I hope for the best. *crosses fingers*

Time pass really fast. I still remember how I struggled for FTV last sem. Totally "awestruck" by the amount of words we need to write for the assignments. And all those last minute assignment sleepless nights. When the exam was over, it still didn't hit me first year is over.

Dunno. Sometimes i wished time could slow down a little bit. Things happen too fast sometimes.

I don't know what am i going to do for 4 months. So much time but no plans!

This sem taught me many things I guess. A couple of kids won't be around anymore here next year. Like i remember how it was like the first time I came here. And I can't believe it's gone so fast. Haha.

I still feel there's something left undone though. :/

I still can't decide whether I should Write. Too fickle for my own good.