Thursday, November 22, 2007


This is one of the things I would say is worse than having trouble sleeping at night.

You see, today I met up with my usual bunch of buddies at City Square (it's like the 2nd time I've been there in 4 days) then there we were eating, walking, eating some more. We spoke about absolutely everything under the sun and I feasted my eyes on shoes. Lots of shoes. Apparently in this part of the world, it's impossible to find a pair of decent flats.

Everything that is nice has heels! HEELS DAMMIT! Thin pencil-like stilletos, or tall wooden chunkies in a variety of inches, 1's, 2's, 4's 5's! like Who in their right mind would wanna spend $$$ on stilts that is almost inhumane to wear?! How can you balance if your center of gravity is elavated THAT high?!

Heels are absolutely sexist!!!

They're nice though. Sexist nonetheless!