Thursday, April 03, 2008

Hello Thursday.

The day started with INT.

speedy-breakfast - Fruits.

And then INT tute.

had mini lunch which consisted of primarily fruits and water.

Then Authorship. And then Andrew made us all depressed using the Structuralism theory. It rained. It didn't help.

And then a mini snack. A sandwich.

Then music which surprisingly lasted till the end today. other kids had ADHD lol. One sang oh-macdonald.

Head to dinner. collect laundry on the way. Got stuck in a jam. Ate dinner. Rained heavy. Waited for rain to stop. got the electrician to come tomorrow to check our busted fridge. Got on Car. head back. Stuck in jam again.

Stupid round-about.

Come back to room. throw books.

Collapse on bed.

get up again.

take a quick bath.

collapse again.

Falls asleep.


8 hours class without break is no fun.
I actually like mondays more now...


People need a sense of closure.