Saturday, April 19, 2008

Sexual Minority HIV AIDS 101

1. You can contract it through heterosexual intercourse.
2. It is not a Gay sickness.
3. The virus is not picky to who it will infect. It happens to humans regardless of age, gender, sexuality and race
4. Gay people are human. So are you.
5. You can't tell if a person is gay just by looking at him.
6. Alot of Gays are intelligient living working professionals and hot.
7. Religion is a choice. Gayism isn't.
8. Women are the most vulnerable to HIV.
9. It's not about dying of HIV. It's about LIVING life to the fullest WITH it.
10. Birth control is not HIV prevention.
11. You cannot get HIV by sharing food/hugging/touching a HIV positive person.

Normally if you ask what happens to a HIV patient and the other person responds "Die lar." If HIV was as simple as that, life would be so much easier for them.

I followed COSTA (Communications and Arts Students Alliance) visited the PT foundation today, walked along the alleys and streets of the Chow Kit area and came face to face with all I've been protected from. It was a really inspirational experience.

This trip made me realize how ignorant (to put it bluntly) and protected I've been from certain realities in life. The fact the society and religion emphasizes on gender as either Male of Female and none in between poses so much difficult obstacles for these people to overcome.

You can't tell who is HIV positive and who's not. The patients aren't the only one living with it. Their families too. The stigma surrounding HIV is more serious than we think. We shouldn't be afraid of them. They should be afraid of us. If we get a flu we get antibiotics. If it's them, it might spell the end.

I probably can never imagine their obstacles in living their life but I respect their strength and empowerment in what they do and their cause.

Don't fall into the trap of HIV. It's either Safe Sex or No Sex.