Tuesday, December 29, 2009


The closest to a baby that I have right now is prolly just my Family Guy Stewie plushie lying on the floor and thankfully, that doesn't require changing diapers.

Just today, I happen to have one of those brain-on-holiday moments, and for some reason, my thoughts drift back to Christmas. I was a Sonia's house for her open house. See, after the lunch and my long time haven't seen friends left, I stayed back a while. And as many of you already know, Sonia's niece was in town. OMG Sarah such a cute little thing *squish*. Haha.

So okay, at that time I discovered I was actually phobic of babies. I lived all my life thinking I was awesome with kids, only to know now that I actually am not when it comes to babies.


1. I don't know how to change diapers.
2. Sarah doesn't respond very much when I make faces. (Maybe that's just me)
3. Everytime I hold a baby, a thought of me dropping, injuring or losing them flashes in my head.

I sat through the whole time watching Sonia (who was like a pro) pull out baby-wipes and some cream with a very bombastic name that prevents nappy rash and actually baby-talk (get this) AT THE SAME TIME. While watching her, a lot of things went through my mind.

With such demand for multitasking, I can see myself failing miserably already. I tried to make myself useful by making faces at the mirror only to get a facial expression back from Sarah that if babies could talk would mean "Not funny" or "wth is she trying to do?" or like three questions marks appearing above her head. I didn't even get a GURGLE.


And also awkward, to imagine that once in my life I was a tiny tot who stared that way back at people who didn't amuse me because they either weren't funny enough or I was just being plain difficult. Talk about Karma. =.= On top of that, it's even more awkward to know that at that same time someone may have stripped me bare just because I peed myself! >_< The horrors.


On a lighter note, Sonia can totally be a mum. Haha all her "I-hate-kids" every time a brat in the restaurant/movie/plane cried was just a cover. HEHEHH. I'm not used to this new side of her just yet but I think I found myself the perfect babysitter.