Thursday, December 10, 2009

Where the wild things are.

I believe that there IS a wild side to every one. Be it a drunken alter-ego, or a well-inhibited angry hulk, or openness to affections left shyly unexpressed, there is no single dimensional person. It's a frequent mistake to know a person based the first impression of a person you've just met. Some people conceal it better than others, but just hang around until they are caught off guard.

There are times I yearn to scream at the top of my lungs and just run. And like a bull in a china shop, I do it quite often... (which i am sorry for) metaphorically harming the hearts of the people around me. And yet for every set back when I fall, they are the ones who are still there.

It's really smart looking at what I got out from this movie. It's not a kids movie. But it tells alot about people and their personalities. For some hurt you exert out of the build up of anger, it can be permanent and visible. While actions may be mindless acts of pride or revenge, many times when confronted about the insanity of your action, we go "I'd never do that!".

I really used to think getting along was easy. And I've learnt, I was wrong. =)