Tuesday, June 12, 2007

1 more to go.

INT is over. It's over over over!!!

Now I should just pray i won't need to think about what to say to Ujval if i came back to one of his classes for INT. Alex was reminding me to ask his nationality.

I swear I heard Helen say he's from India~

Maybe she was kidding. Hrm.


Watched Shrek 3 today. I'm infatuated with Artie. :) Some of the princesses are just plain bimbotic. Haha. Okay. I won't want to be accused of spoiling it for those who haven't watched yet, but yeah. The movie is damn funny.

Damn damn damn damn damn damn damn funny.


We bowled a bit also to de-stress then after the movie, headed for pool.

I try to tell myself it's over but still... Helen's eyes is also going to bleed when she looks at my paper.

Incomplete essays always bursts a vessel. (or at least tear glands).