Sunday, June 03, 2007


I just checked Karina's blog and she updated already.

Woman, you are fast.

(Stalk her blog if you're interested in Alvin and to see pictures of how coughhandsomecough he is.)

Whatever I've said about Alvin in my previous post, I TAKE IT BACK!

>.< Oh fine. Maybe I won't. Considering the fact you helped me finish my drink when I swear I couldn't.

HAA~! We had a farewell thing for Alvin yesterday. Hung out at 1U, then headed to Naili's place over at Uptown. Jason came for this. Later we headed to The Bengkok XD. Since we're little kids who didnt want to open a bottle, Santuary didn't let us book a table. So, we ended up at Laundry instead.

And I swear I saw someone who looked like Brian-F2TS over there. REALLY.

Bailey's!!! XD

The day ended well with nobody drunk and yep, Alvin. This goes out to you, dude!
