Sunday, March 18, 2007

Day 2 in Johor

I am crazy!!! I am on a crazy downloading spree. MV's, Variety shows, clips and snippets of stuff here and there... I'm beginning to wonder if I would have time to watch it. You don't know how long it took for me to find subs for my episode of Yashimmanman. I managed to find the DVD I wanted (more like needed) today. And besides, I found DBSG's HMS Concert DVD and the final part of Hanakimi. WHOOOOOO!!! *insane* hahahah~!

Timeless pt 1 freaks me out. For those who watched it, you know.

I'm overworking my laptop. Promise i'll give it loads of rest next week. But for now, I'm treasuring broadband. YAAAAAAAA!!!!

To-do list.

+Service car
+Get tel line.
+Broadband subscription.
+Grocery shopping.
+Watch Downloads.
+Complete essays.
+Clean my room.
+Figure out how to arrange my books.

I'll be back in KL tomorrow. And i'll crack my head on how to complete my to-do list.

Okay. This is just a promo bit. My media studies tutor (and a whole lot of other short film makers) will be showing his short film 'Idiot Nation' on the 19th of March (Monday) in HELP university college in Bangsar. It starts at 8 at night i think confirm! If you live nearby/study there/eat rice/breathe oxygen then go there!

Lynette! I might be coming!!! If I can find the place in time. *rolls eyes*