Wednesday, March 07, 2007

I don't know who are the people I'm dealing with. 2 of my tyres were punctured today. It's the first time anything like this has happened to me and those bastards are totally inconsiderate, uncouth, *toot*, aljkajsjlsaj!!!!.

I probably overused 'THE' word already today. But nothing expresses it better, true? There's a whole lot of negative vibes surrounding me and well, what they did make me feel like hitting something BAD. To beat something like them. With a baseball bat, a spanner, or maybe just something metal/big/huge/heavy/concussion-causing to see them cry and writh on the floor. Like I said, I don't know who I'm dealing with. I'll probably be the one with the bruises/broken bones.

Considering the fact that the start of my week has been terrible. Extra stress a meter away. I REALLY feel like beating something up. Cursing in the car definitely wasn't enough.

Anyhow, to all those students out there. It obviously doesn't only happen in Sunway. Their trick is to open that air-cap, stuff in a small stone and close it back again. Within the next few hours, your tyre will deflate.

Luckily I wasn't heading to class. I would've been late and I mean, it's bad to be late for Media Studies. Heck.

On a more positive note, the mechanic said it's not the first time. So obviously, it happens often. And being 'weaker' between the genders and all... obviously they'd choose a victim like me. I'm happy being a girl, but like jobs, gender has hazards.

On a WAY more positive note, my presentation isn't this week. It's next week. I'm spared~!